Friday, December 8, 2006

The Reverse K Street Project

Democrats should forget K Street and answer to the people that put them in power -- the voters.

Or so
By Mark Schmitt at the American Prospect proposes. That would be a great proposition in theory for he writes that
The Democrats elected this November have a rare opportunity, if they can appreciate it, to rewrite this story. They have the opportunity to put the lobbyists back in their proper place: as claimants on government, with a right to be heard, but no longer embedded in government or setting its limits."
Hopefully, they resist the urge of all entrenched bureaucrats to dip from the corporate till. The
only thing standing in the way is their own sense of duty. Which after a 12 year lashing following the Congressional banking scandal, among other things, drove them out of the leadership positions in 1994.

We can only hope the direction comes from the newly elected whips and not the left over left. The blogging community senses a greater tie to the new house dems, after all we had as much influence in changing the tide, if not more, than the MSM.
Didn't we?

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